LIGHT A CANDLE - in the back of the church near the grotto of Mary, candles are available for your intentions.
MEMORIAL BOOK - near the holy water font by the left entrance to the church from the commons, is a memorial book. Feel free to write the names of loved ones or special intentions.
ALL SOULS BOOK - During the month of November to honor All Souls, another book is placed in the church for your rememberance of those who have died. You may add names to this book also.
What is a Mass Memorial?
One of the greatest acts of charity is to pray for the living and the dead. The greatest, most powerful prayer we have is the Mass. For that reason, all are encouraged to have a Mass offered for loved ones who have died or for the living who have some special need or celebration. (Information provided by St. Helena Cathedral - used with permission)
When are Mass Memorials Printed?
Mass Memorials are available in the commons usually the first weekend Mass each month. The monthly listing is also posted on a bulletin board in the commons as well as posted in our Book of Intentions. Individuals and/or families who are on our monthly list are remembered during the Prayers of the Faithful at each Mass during the month.
It is important that you make your request as soon as possible to be included on the list. For example, if you want your loved ones remembered during all Masses the month of December, you must make your request and payment by the beginning of the last week of November. Call the office for more information.
How do I request a Mass Memorial?
To request a month of Masses said in remembrance or in honor of a loved one, friend, or for a particular event special to your heart, simply click on the We Share Online Giving Link located on this page under CONTRIBUTE.
Next, locate the Mass Memorials section (click on the picture of Jesus) and follow the simple step-by-step directions. Make sure that you indicate who the Mass Memorial is for. Also the monthly cost for this service is $10.00 although you can provide an additional donation (which is optional) if you desire.
You may also stop by or call the Parish Office to have our office staff assist you. Mass memorial cards can be sent upon your request. Please provide the address to whom the memorial card should be sent.